Friday, 1 April 2016


Goodness me - what a week it's been for me and my alter-ego Lucinda Fox! Her book Mummy's Girl is currently sitting at #2 in its category on Amazon and people have been so very, very kind downloading, sharing and saying lovely things about the actual content.

But let's not getting carried away here. Sadly, I am not about to become the next Jacqueline Wilson - or not yet at least! I've just been learning and putting my newly discovered knowledge into effect.

So, a quick potted history of what's happened so far.

1. I wrote some books.
2. I blogged one as a serial and got some lovely and constructive feedback.
3. I wrote some more.

Then I got stuck. I didn't really know what to do next.
'Publish' said my husband.
'Not on your nelly!' said I. 'All those people judging me. I'd rather die!'

But he talked me round and so I published in paperback and ebook. Despite best endeavours, my book was peppered with typos and the shame forced me back under my rock for a month or two.

Then I discovered The Creative Penn, a website packed full of practical tips and advice. I liked her honest style and decided that I had nothing to lose but my dignity and hey. I published a book with errors in so that was already long gone!

So I'm trying to make a better job of it. I've made lots of mistakes so far but that's Ok as long as I don't make them again. When my free book promotion ends, Lucinda's book will no doubt tumble back into the dark recesses of Amazon's lair but a few more people will have found it and hopefully liked it and maybe it will manage to crawl a bit closer to the light.

In the meantime, I'm building websites and teaching myself about marketing and writing and looking up.

Thanks so much if you took the time to buy or download Mummy's Girl. I'm so very grateful to you. Let's see what happens next!



Merlin said...

Congrats Imogen - so right to be proud!

Imogen said...

Thanks Merlin.

The second Lucinda Fox book is virtually ready and when I finish my English Degree next month I'm going to focus on the writing thing full time and try to get my adult stuff out there. It's exciting and quite overwhelming - the more I look the more there is to find but hey...I have to start somewhere right?!
